Tashkent Institute of Finance hosted the event "Science and Innovation Forum - 2021"

Tashkent Institute of Finance hosted the event "Science and Innovation Forum - 2021"

On December 22, Tashkent Institute of Finance in cooperation with International Development Services on the implementation of the tasks set in the "Concept of development of higher education in the Republic of Uzbekistan until 2030" and "Concept of development of science until 2030" held a forum "Science and Innovation - 2021 ”event was organized. Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education Hakimov Rahim Rasuljonovich, Rector of Tashkent Institute of Finance Teshabaev Tolkin Zakirovich, Director General of the National Office for Innovation and Technology Transfer of the Ministry of Innovation Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan Tuychiev Olimjon Alijonovich, Founder of International Development Services Allanazarova Dilnoza Nurullaevna, Elsevier experts, as well as doctoral students of the institute, young scientists, professors, students and media representatives.


The purpose of this forum is to present the results of the work of professors, researchers, young scientists, the creation of a modern infrastructure for the development of science, statistics of the Scopus platform, the world's largest scientific and analytical database of professors, researchers, doctoral students, undergraduate and graduate students. to publish articles in prestigious international scientific journals with a high impact factor, to increase citations to articles, as well as to ensure the gradual inclusion of scientific journals in the international scientific and technical database. The forum is aimed at stimulating the productive activity of scientists, raising the status of intellectuals and popularizing professional scientific activity among young people. For information, on September 10, 2021, the Tashkent Institute of Finance and International Development Services signed a memorandum of cooperation to further develop science.

Forum olimlarning sermahsul faoliyatini rag‘batlantirish, ziyolilar mavqeni ko‘tarish hamda yoshlar o‘rtasida ilmiy faoliyat bilan professional shug‘ullanishni ommalashtirishga yo‘naltirilgan.

Maʼlumot uchun, 2021-yil 10-sentyabr kuni Toshkent moliya instituti hamda International development services kompaniyasi o‘rtasida ilm-fanni yana-da rivojlantirish maqsadida hamkorlik memorandumi imzolangan edi.

18:00 / 2021-12-23
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