Exams of Joint faculty were held.

Exams of Joint faculty were held.

The first stage of entrance exams to the joint faculty of the Tashkent Institute of Finance and Polotsk State University for the 2020/2021 academic year was held in the Botanical Garden.

Examinations were organized in two stages. The first stage started at 9:00, the second stage at 15:00, and entrants answered test questions on mathematics and foreign languages presented in Russian for 3 hours. 810 entrants registered to take the test through the institute’s website. In order to ensure transparency in the process, the Tashkent Institute of Finance, the State Testing Center and the National Guard Service signed a cooperation agreement and completed the tests in accordance with the established procedure throughout the country.

The next stage of the entrance exams will be conducted online, through career-oriented tests by Polotsk State University.

10:50 / 2020-09-24
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