At the initiative of the teaching staff of the department «Taxes and Taxation», a socio-spiritual event was organized

At the initiative of the teaching staff of the department «Taxes and Taxation», a socio-spiritual event was organized

On February 10, 2023, at the specialized state comprehensive school No. 63, located in the Shakhristan mahalla Yunusabad district of Tashkent city, in order to provide attention and care to the youth of the mahalla, create the necessary conditions and opportunities for the full manifestation of their talents and potential in all spheres, a socio-spiritual event was held by the teaching staff of the department «Taxes and Taxation» of the Tashkent Institute of Finance.


The event was attended by Honored Worker of Culture of Uzbekistan, poet Babur Bobomurod, head of the Department of «Taxes and Taxation», Professor Nargiza Kuzieva and teachers of the department, as well as employees of the Yunusabad district khokimiyat, activists of the Shakhristan mahalla.


The head of the Department «Taxes and Taxation», Professor Nargiza Kuzieva, based on her life experience, expressed the opinion that by increasing the culture of reading among readers, wide promotion of reading among them, the growth of their cultural literacy, it is possible to improve the quality of human capital.


The visit of the poet Babur Bobomurad was timed to the «Evening of Arts» dedicated to the 582nd anniversary of the birth of the great thinker, statesman and public figure Alisher Navoi. At the event, students of school No. 63 of Yunusabad district told gazelles and rubai of Alisher Navoi. Poet Babur Bobomurad also read his poems, which made the event even more interesting.


At the end of the event, the gifted, enterprising and resourceful students of the specialized state secondary school No. 63 of the Yunusabad district were presented with books by the teaching staff of the department.


The event left a warm impression on the participants, especially among schoolchildren.

17:37 / 2023-02-11
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