"National and international questions of finance"

"National and international questions of finance"

     On May 20, 2021, an international scientific and practical conference on the topic “National and international  questions of  modern finance” was held at the Tashkent Institute of Finance, which was initiated by the Department of Finance. This conference was organized in accordance with the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 2, 2021 No. 78-F, according to which the “Plan for holding international and republican scientific and scientific and technical conferences in 2021 in the Republic of Uzbekistan” was approved. Taking into account the epidemiological situation, the conference was held online.


     The conference with scientific reports was attended by representatives of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Accounts Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other ministries and departments, domestic and foreign scientists, professors and teachers of leading economic universities and scientific institutions, finance specialists, doctoral students, independent applicants, as well as scientists and teaching staff of the Tashkent Financial Institute.


Within the framework of the conference, in accordance with the program, modern concepts and views on the theory of finance, topical issues of fiscal policy, the tasks of optimization and effective management of public debt, the prospects for the development of the organization and implementation of public procurement, the main directions of increasing the financial capabilities of local authorities were considered and discussed. authorities, national and international features of the development of the alternative financing system, national and foreign practice of developing corporate finance and increasing the efficiency of the capital market, as well as the development of international financial institutions and financial relations were considered and discussed.


The conference was watched online by hundreds of participants from different regions of the country, who also actively participated in the discussions. At the end of the conference, based on the results of the discussions and discussions on the main directions of the conference, the results were summed up, scientific conclusions and conclusions were presented. It should be noted that this conference served as a vehicle for the exchange of views and the acquisition of important scientific knowledge in the field of finance.


21:43 / 2021-05-21
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