We will always live with the creative heritage of Navoi

We will always live with the creative heritage of Navoi

The birthday of the great figure of spirituality and literature of our people, Mir Alisher Navoi is widely celebrated in all institutions and organizations of our country.

On February 8, 2023, professors and teachers of the Department of Finance of the Financial Faculty of the Tashkent Institute of Finance held an event dedicated to honoring our great personality as part of the week of the department.



The guest of the event, actor Shukrullo Sofiev, read excerpts from several immortal works of the poet, and also told students about the life and work of the great poet of our country Navoi, his artistic and scientific heritage, the role of the poet's work in educating the modern generation.





Further, students of the Faculty of Finance performed with excerpts from the rubais and ghazals of Alisher Navoi.


At the end of the event, the students asked the invited guest their questions, the guest and other participants of the event took an active part in the discussion. The event was highly appreciated by all participants.

22:36 / 2023-02-09
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