Demo lesson on the topic “Deutschsprachige Lȁnder” – “German-Speaking Countries”

Demo lesson on the topic “Deutschsprachige Lȁnder” – “German-Speaking Countries”

 On December 11, 2019 by the teacher of “Uzbek and Foreign languages” department N.T.Muradova held a demo lesson on the topic “Deutschsprachige Lȁnder” in the KHBA-20,24 group of the faculty “Accounting and Auditing”.


 Teachers of the department participated in a demo lesson: M.Avezova, D.Tulaganova, G.Asatova, senior teacher of German, University of World Economy and Diplomacy. The lesson was well organized in accordance with the calendar thematic plan. The lesson used various interactive methods, entertaining games. The teacher reached the goal of the lesson. Students' presentations left a good impression on teachers and guests. The topic of the lesson was fully exposed. To achieve this goal, individual work, group work, and pair work were also used. Students and visited teachers left the lesson with great enthusiasm.



09:35 / 2019-12-14
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