Hold an event on the theme “The Constitution is our pride”

Hold an event on the theme “The Constitution is our pride”

 In the academic year 2019-2020, on the framework of “Department Week”, it was planned to hold an event on the theme “The Constitution is our pride” and it was held on December 2, 2019 in the first lecture hall of the institute with the participation of students of the faculty “Taxes and Insurance”.


 Doctor of Economics, Professor Obiddin Makhmudov, poet Shukur Kurbon, actor Gulom shov-shuv, as well as singers Dilafruz Khaitmetova and Pakhlavon Turdiev participated at the event.


 The event was dedicated to the day of adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Professor O. Makhmudov also commented on the role of the Constitution in the socio-economic life of the country and the protection of civil rights. Then poet Sh.Kurbon spoke and read several poems for students. To solemnly mark the day of the adoption of the Constitution, the singer D.Khaitmetova and P.Turdiev sang the best songs from their repertoire. The event was held at a high level and contributed to the spiritual and educational enrichment and raising the knowledge of students.



16:48 / 2019-12-03
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