Round table discussion on the topic “Combating against crime and educating young people”

Round table discussion on the topic “Combating against crime and educating young people”

 A round table discussion was held in the student hostel No.2 of Tashkent Institute of Finance on the topic “Combating against crime and educating young people”. M. Sunnatov, representative of the Yoshlar khokimiyat, A. Kodirov inspector of the territory, hostel teacher S.Umarov, and teachers of the “Insurance and Pension” department J.Tursunova, M.Abduraimova, G.Adilova participated at the event. During discussion with students, explanatory conversations were held on the fight against crime and its prevention. Explanatory work was also carried out on the topic “Education of youth and its morality”.



22:33 / 2020-02-04
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