Visit to Tashkent institute of finance

Visit to Tashkent institute of finance


26 pupils of 11th grade  and 20s tudents of  9th-10th grade under the leadership of  Director of the 27th comprehensive school located in the 1st sector of Zangiota district N.Umurzakova, Deputy Director for Spiritual Affairs of the school B.Mamajonova, psychologist SH. Maxmudova   visited  Tashkent Institute of Finance to increase their interest for entering higher educational institution.

Professor Ganiev SH.V., Head of the Department of Accounting, Economic Analysis and Auditing, welcomed the graduates.

He spoke about the work being done to implement the decisions of the President, and explained the unique role of teachers in educating the younger generation.

 Institute  made a great positive impression on the school leavers and teachers.

We would like to thank the hokim   of Zangiota district A.Tamikayev and the rector of the Tashkent Institute of Finance Professor T.Teshabayev for organizing the excursion for the graduates of the 27th comprehensive school of Zangiota district.


10:13 / 2022-04-18
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