Cooperation with insurance companies is expanding

Cooperation with insurance companies is expanding

In recent years, the President and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan are paid in great attention to the development of the insurance industry. Extensive reforms are being carried out to develop the insurance services market and gradually introduce digital technologies into the industry. As a result, new insurance companies which are capable of providing modern insurance services in the market are launching their activities. One of such companies is SEMURG INSURANCE. The effective and successful operation of an insurance company depends on many highly qualified and creative thinking personnel staffs.

In order to establish multifaceted
beneficial cooperation with the Tashkent  Institute of finance, to stimulate the interest of students in the field of insurance and to carry out systematic work on their employment, the company officials hold a meeting on March 15, 2022.

During the meeting, the company's representatives spoke in detail about the work being done to develop insurance activities and the issues of attention paid to young professionals. During the meeting, which was held in a lively manner, the students asked questions to the representatives of the insurance company "SEMURG INSURANCE" and received qualified answers.

Vice-Rector for Research and Innovations A. Islamkulov, Dean of the Faculty of Taxes and Insurance L. Zoirov, Head of Marketing and Student Operations Deportment U. Dusboev, professors and teachers of the Department  of "Insurance and Pension work" and 2nd and 3rd year students participated in the event.

17:27 / 2022-03-17
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