Do you need life insurance?

Do you need life insurance?



In order to fulfill the tasks defined in the Roadmap to improve the quality of education for 2023, the department "Insurance and pension business" on March 13 of this year. I. Abdurasulov, the chief manager of the department for the development of insurance services of the Kafolat Hayot Insurance insurance company, held a master class on the topic: “Is life insurance necessary?” for students of the 3rd year group, the direction "Insurance Business" of the Faculty of Taxes and Insurance.

During the master class, the practitioner gave detailed information about the activities of the Kafolat Hayot Insurance insurance company, in particular, about the types of insurance services provided by the company to legal entities and individuals.

In this master class, dedicated to the analysis and solution of problem situations in practice, together with the students, professors and teachers of the department "Insurance and pension business" took part.

At the end of the master class, I. Abdurasulov paid special attention to the need for students to constantly search for them to become mature and knowledgeable specialists in their field in the future.

09:34 / 2023-03-15
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