The worker always takes the place of the worker

The worker always takes the place of the worker

On October 31, 2022, a training was held at the Department of Management and Marketing on the topic "The worker always takes the place of the worker" As part of the training, Sobirjonov S., Dzhalolova D., Ilhomjonova F., Ziyaeva Sh. discussed in detail the causes of conflicts between managers and employees, issues of optimizing the socio-psychological climate in the team and ways to eliminate them.



In addition to this, during the training, associate professor, Ph.D. Sobirjonov Sanjar Sobirjonovich spoke about the constructive resolution of conflicts between managers and employees by respecting the interests of each other, the difference in official status, individual psychological characteristics and emotional state, and approaches to conflict resolution from different sides.



The conversation with the students was interactive, and enriched with many questions.

16:58 / 2022-10-31
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