Visiting to the Museum of the Armed Forces

Visiting to the Museum of the Armed Forces

Today, the tuitor of the Faculty of Economics Raimov Khurshid visited the Museum of the Armed Forces with students of the IM-80 academic group attached to him. During the visit, students were briefed. Founded in 1965. The museum's exposition reflects the history of the Armed Forces, the martial arts of the peoples of Central Asia, as well as the current stage of development of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The museum also has a special exhibition "Martial Arts of the Timurid period" dedicated to the great commander Amir Temur. There are maps of military campaigns, schemes of demobilization, weapons, insignia and other exhibits of the Timurid period. There is also an exposition dedicated to the participation of the people of Uzbekistan in the Second World War. The exhibition "Protection of Independent Uzbekistan" provided information on the types of troops, the life of the military, their combat and military-political training. The students were left with deep impressions.


22:27 / 2021-12-03
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