Congratulatory message from the Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Finance on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Congratulatory message from the Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Finance on the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Hello, dear compatriots!

Dear teachers, employees of our institute!

Dear students and youth!

On the occasion of the 29th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the defender of the rights and freedoms of citizens, an important legal basis for the development of education, science, culture and spirituality, I sincerely congratulate you, dear people and through you all our compatriots.

Indeed, the Constitution of any country is an act that reflects the existence of that state in the world, as well as the fact that it is established on a legal basis. The encyclopedia of our independence - our Constitution is of great importance in the socio-political, spiritual and economic life of our people. The popularity of this encyclopedic document is that it clearly defines the protection and development of our national customs, traditions, beliefs and, in general, our national values. Respect for the language, customs and national traditions of all nations and peoples who are citizens of Uzbekistan is guaranteed. In addition, Article 41 of the Constitution stipulates that everyone has the right to education, free general education is guaranteed by the state, and school work is under state control.

Of course, in today's fast-paced world, the development of the state is unimaginable without education and upbringing. In recent years, great attention has been paid to the education system in our country. Extensive reforms are being carried out in the higher education system alone. For example, in recent years the number of universities in our country has increased dramatically. Joint educational programs and branches of many prestigious foreign universities are being established. Such a process will, of course, have a major impact on the quality and development of education. In particular, the Tashkent Institute of Finance aims to develop high-quality and competitive, creative, modern-minded qualified personnel for the country and abroad. In this regard, well-defined practical work is being done at the institute. As a result, this year Tashkent Institute of Finance took the honorary 5th place in the national ranking of higher education institutions published by the State Inspectorate for Quality Control in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers. He also noted the honorary 1st place in the ranking of scientific potential of higher education institutions. It should be noted that our institute has set a great goal not only in our country, but also in foreign rankings. In particular, the Times Higher Education, the UK's leading rating agency, is the first of 450 higher education institutions to have a new type of reporter status (reporter - this status is awarded to universities that are recognized by the Times Higher Education rating agency for their active work). took place.

In achieving such high results, of course, it is impossible not to recognize the work of professors and staff of our institute. In short, our Constitution is a guarantee of the development of our country, the prosperity of our society, the development of education, the peaceful life of our citizens.

Dear compatriots!

Taking this opportunity, I once again sincerely congratulate all of you on the 29th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

06:00 / 2021-12-08
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