Congratulation of the rector of Tashkent Institute of Finance on the occasion of the national holiday Navruz

Congratulation of the rector of Tashkent Institute of Finance on the occasion of the national holiday Navruz

Assalomu alaykum, dear compatriots!

Dear teachers, employees of our institute!

Dear students!


First of all, I express sincere congratulations on behalf of myself and the authority of the Institute on the occasion of a new day, awakening and renewal, a holiday - Navruz, embodying national values, traditions, millennial traditions of our working people.


Navruz is a new day. This is, of course, is its lexical meaning. It is safe to say that this great word reflects our thousand-year history. Since ancient times, our noble people have been waiting for this day as the beginning of blessings. On this day, new seedlings and seeds are planted in the ground. The grain is sprinkled. This blessing is an expression of support. Indeed, a plant planted today will bear fruit tomorrow.


Our young people, who have hope for the future, have a great responsibility to ensure that they bear fruit in the future, like these planted seedlings. A new revival has begun in Uzbekistan - the Third Renaissance. However, the new future of our country is determined by the enthusiasm of educated, creative, experienced and open minded young people. The role of the higher education system in educating and serving these young people for the benefit of the development of our country is invaluable.


Dear compatriots!


May Navruz bring peace, prosperity, happiness and blessings to our country!

Have a nice day, more weddings in every family, in every home!

May the good wishes of all of us come true. May the sky be clear, the earth peaceful, and our people safe!


Tulkin Teshabayev,

Rector of Tashkent Institute of Finance,

Doctor of Economics, Professor.

21:32 / 2023-03-20
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