A joint practical lesson in the discipline “State Budget” was organized

A joint practical lesson in the discipline “State Budget” was organized

 On December 13 of the current year, in pursuance of the tasks reflected in the resolutions regarding joint practical training in the field of science, training of highly qualified personnel and specialties in the curriculum in cooperation with enterprises, organizations and institutions of the PP-3151 system “On measures to further expand the participation of industries and fields Economy in improving the quality of training of specialists with higher education” dated July 27, 2017, PP-3775“ On additional measures to improve the quality of education in higher education ” educational institutions and ensuring their active participation in the large-scale reforms being carried out in the country ” dated June 5, 2018, as well as to further consolidate the theoretical knowledge and practical skills acquired by students of the Department of  Budget Accounting and Treasury of the TFI of BPI-71 group on the topic “Budget control” on discipline “State budget” was held a joint practical in the Finance department and in the Statistics department of the Yunusabad district, together with the teacher of the department “State finances” Sh.K.Khamdamov and the deputy head of the Finance Department A.Tulaganov and also the head of the Statistics Department of Yunusabad district I.I.Shermatov.


 During a joint practical lesson, students got acquainted with the practice and the role of local financial authorities in conducting budgetary control, as well as I.I.Shermatov informed students about the importance of statistical indicators in planning revenues and expenditures of the state budget.



18:00 / 2019-12-14
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