Joint practical lesson was organized in Finance Department of authority of Yunusabad district

Joint practical lesson was organized in Finance Department of authority of Yunusabad district

     On December 3, 2019, in accordance to the schedule of organizing joint practical and traveling lesson under the supervision of the senior lecturer of the Department of Public Finance N.Yuldasheva a joint practical lesson was organized for the MM-44 group students of the Faculty of Finance in Finance Department of authority of Yunusabad district.


     During the lesson, the head of the department, Obidov Shohruz Rauf ugli, presented information on the current practice of financing costs based on the estimated financing procedure and the implementation of expenses of budgetary organizations through public procurement. He dwelt in detail on the types of purchases, problems in this system and development prospects for today.


     During the lesson, students asked questions to which comprehensive answers were given by the specialist. The lesson was practical and informative.


11:30 / 2019-12-05
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