“Poetry evening” in Students’ Dormitory

“Poetry evening” in Students’ Dormitory

       On November 26, 2019, "Poetry evening" was organized by the cooperation of Department of Banking and the Board of Teachers in Students’ Dormitory No.2 to ensure the implementation of five important initiatives of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


       Chairman of the Board of Teachers U. Rajabov, Head of the Banking Department, doctor of sciences, Professor. A.Omonov, the lecturer A.Vasiev and students of the faculties of "Banking", "Tax and Insurance" and "Economics" participated in the event.


       Professor A.Omonov talked about necessity of reading books, the spiritual world, and referred book with as the growth of the world and the most vital part of the students' free time. U. Rajabov also pointed the fact that books he read were basis for all the success he made. A.Vasiev started the mushaira by reading the poem of Zulfiya Muminova. Students went on reading poems of Alisher Navoi, Abdulla Oripov, Erkin Vohidov, Muhammad Yusuf and their own writing.


       Books were presented to students who were active on this event. Students expressed their appreciation and asked to organize such events on a regular basis.


18:08 / 2019-11-29
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