Giving opportunities to the young generation

Giving opportunities to the young generation

 On the 13th of December 2019 with the view of the National Staff Training Programme implementation the executives of "Accounting and Audititing" faculty organized the meeting between our students and representatives of JSCB "HAMKOR BANK", the main issue of which was to familiarize the students with the bank activities and to attract them to vocational training and internships in that establishment.


 During the conversation the full information on how and under what circumstances to be brought into traineeship was provided by the representatives of JSCB "HAMKOR BANK", moreover, the prospects and opportunities for future professionals were revealed.


 It should be noted that such nature of meetings being held by the executives of our institute in cooperation with the subject matter enterprises and firms allows for job placement and employment  for university graduates and contributes to acquisition of practical knowledge and skills.


 A selection test and interview were also conducted during the meeting. Students who have successfully passed through them will be invited for vocational training and internships to the branch network of the bank.



16:51 / 2019-12-14
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