Preliminary summary of "Mahallabay" operating system

Preliminary summary of "Mahallabay" operating system

Tashkent Institute of Finance cooperates with Shahristan, Bodomzor, Otchopar-1 and Khiyobontepa mahallas of Yunusabad district, Diydor, Alikhantora Soguniy, Uchtepa, Kuyi Darkhan and Yangiyul mahallas of Uchtepa district and Shirinabad mahalla of Yashnabad district and are working together on a number of youth employment issues.


Today, the first analytical reports were heard with the participation of the chairmen of the mahallas, the rector of the institute, responsible vice-rectors, deans of faculties and heads of the departments.



12:29 / 2021-05-18
Success helper
Success warning