The department of "Higher and Applied Mathematics" organized a training

The department of "Higher and Applied Mathematics" organized a training

  On March 11, 2021, in the assembly hall of building "E" of the Tashkent Financial Institute, the Department of Higher and Applied Mathematics within the framework of the "Week of the Department" organized a training with the participation of the founder centers "BUSINESS COMPASS" - business trainings, as well as "BUSINESS PRO - financial literacy" Ikromjon Tozhiddinov on the topic "6 pillars of a successful business" The event was attended by 1st year students of the faculties "Accounting and Audit" and "Economics".


   Ikromjon Tojiddinov was born in 1990 in the Akkurgan district of the Tashkent region. Has been working in business for 13 years.


   In 2016, he founded the perfume and cosmetic company "LAMBRE" in Uzbekistan and opened about 18 branches in the regions of the republic.




14:36 / 2021-03-12
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