The event "New Uzbekistan - a new worldview" is going on.

The event "New Uzbekistan - a new worldview" is going on.

    As previously reported, agitation groups with the participation of heads of higher education institutions and other officials across the country are actively involved in spiritual, educational and cultural events under the slogan "New Uzbekistan - a new worldview".

   Measures to increase the social activism of young people, increase women's employment, lift a certain segment of the population out of poverty, create a positive mood in communities and citizens, to understand the constitutional rights and obligations to ensure the welfare and peace of the country One of the main goals of the initiative is " New Uzbekistan - a new worldview".

    The next event with such goals is being held in music and art schools and mahalla institutes in Bukhara region. The rector of the Tashkent Institute of Finance T. Teshabaev informed the participants about the large-scale work carried out in our country to strengthen the role and prestige of teachers and coaches in society.



11:17 / 2020-11-23
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