Our pride!

Our pride!

One of the key elements of every nation's educational system is the training of educated staff for physical education and sports.

As a result, in addition to sports, parasports must be developed, sports education must be improved in terms of quality, and professional staff must be trained, provided with training, and given better abilities. The assistance of people with physical limitations and impairments is given great consideration in our country today, with the Paralympic movement receiving particular focus.

Additionally, Yakshoboyev Bahrom Jumanyoz, a student in group BI-50 of the Faculty of "Banking" of the Tashkent Financial Institute, has been participating for the national armwrestling team as a member of the Uzbek national team. And also, will serve to improve Uzbekistan's reputation in front of the international community on all aspects.

18:00 / 2023-01-18
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