A lecture session was held in the form of a master class for the students of the institute

A lecture session was held in the form of a master class for the students of the institute

Today, on May 13, the vice-rector for educational affairs of the institute, doctor of economics, professor S.U. Mehmonov held a lecture on the topic of "Issues of introducing international standards of financial reporting in Uzbekistan" for students of the 5th year of the "Accounting and Auditing" direction .



In the course of the lesson, the professor gave the students full information on the international standards of financial statement and the importance of using these standards in the field, as well as the implementation of these international standards in our country.






The lecture class was conducted on the basis of real, practical examples and cases, so it created a great impression and interest in the audience. The lesson was interesting based on intense questions and answers.


18:20 / 2023-05-13
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