The defense of the bachelor's thesis was organized in the production place

The defense of the bachelor's thesis was organized in the production place

Today, Bachelor's degree defense  of "Electronic Commerce" direction "Budget Accounting and Treasury" Faculty of Tashkent   Institute of Finance has been held at the "IT PARK"   in order to integrate research and development of science with production.


Under the leadership of the dean of the faculty R. Saidov, the head of the "Electronic commerce and digital economy" department Yo. Ilkhamova, the teaching staff of the department and the scientific supervisors of the students took part in this event, including the deputy director of the "Digital Economy Research Center" of the Ministry of "Digital Technologies" of the Republic of Uzbekistan Z. Shadmanov , the head of the "Information technologies and systems" department of the Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan, professor, academician S.Gulomov, the director of "TECHNODARGOH" LLC T.Khujaev and experts from a number of production facilities visited the defence process.

19:39 / 2023-06-26
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