An event on the topic "Gender Equality and Women's Rights" was organized

An event on the topic "Gender Equality and Women's Rights" was organized


On December 15 of the current year, the Economic Security Department of the Economics Faculty of the Tashkent Financial Institute organized an event on the topic "Gender Equality and Women's Rights".



 A distinguished guest - a young eco-activist, a program specialist of the Council for International Education of the United States, a participant of the Global UGRAD exchange program, as well as a volunteer with 10 years of experience Zhadygerova Gulnaz Ulugbekovna was invited to share her thoughts and experience.





During the event, Gulnaz Zhadygerova spoke about and prioritized highlighting the importance of women's rights, which gave the students an opportunity to learn about the problems faced by girls and women in the world.

21:49 / 2023-12-15
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