A seminar aimed at improving the quality of education was organized at the institute

A seminar aimed at improving the quality of education was organized at the institute

On the 11th February , a seminar on the policy of increasing the quality of education of  Tashkent Institute of Finance in 2023 and KPI  application  of  teaching staff  and  of other  employees was organized  at the institute.


S. Mekhmonov, vice-rector for educational affairs of the institute, faculty deans, heads of departments, professors and teachers took part in the event.




The priority directions of improving the quality of education in the institute - effective organization of lesson processes, improvement of educational and methodological support, further increasing the capacity of pedagogic staff, expected results from the implementation of the policy of improving the quality of education in 2023 were discussed  during the seminar. In addition, detailed information was given on the implementation of evaluating the activity of the head and teaching staff of the institute based on performance indicators (KPI) and setting bonuses.




The participants of the seminar noted that the priority tasks set in the policy of improving the quality of education of the institute in 2023 and the promotion of the results of management and teaching staff based on the KPI system will be an important factor in raising the quality of education in the institute to a higher level in the future.



17:15 / 2023-02-11
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