Improvement of education quality is closely related to practice

Improvement of education quality is closely related to practice

On April 3, 2023, "Bank accounting and auditing" department organaized master class to improve education quality.  During the event to practically strengthen the theoretical knowledge of students, M. Oromiddinov, the deputy manager of Yangiyul branch of JSB "Hamkorbank" held master class on "Organization of internal audit in commercial banks" for 1st year students of "Banking and Auditing" and "Evaluation and real estate" master's specialty of Master's and Evening education Faculty .

Professors and teachers of "Bank accounting and Auditing" department, as well as the deputy dean, participated in the master class.

M. Oromiddinov explained the specific features of the organization of internal audit in commercial banks, the requirements set by the Central Bank for internal audit, how bank operations are conducted through internal audit with practical examples.

The master class made a great impression among the students.

11:03 / 2023-04-04
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