Vigilance is the requirement of the period!

Vigilance is the requirement of the period!

On March 14, 2022 Tashkent Institute of Finance organized a preventive roundtable discussion on the topic " Vigilance is the requirement of the period" in order to prevent crime and increase the awareness and vigilance of students.


Rector of the Tashkent Institute of Finance T. Teshabayev, Officer of the Crime Prevention Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Lieutenant Colonel F. Usarov, Department of Internal Affairs of Yunusabad district, responsible for youth, Lieutenant Colonel H. Matyokubov, Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual Enlightenment, O.Narbayev and deans of all faculties, vice-deans and tutors and students took part at the event.



Speakers noted the types of offenses and crimes committed by young people today, as well as criminal and administrative liability of the Republic of Uzbekistan for any offenses and criminal acts, regardless of age and social origin. information was provided on the establishment of legal liability under the relevant articles of the codes.



The students were told, "Let's not be negligent in preventing early violations, as any offense can lead to a criminal street tomorrow."

At the end of the roundtable discussion, the questions of students were answered by experts.



19:50 / 2022-03-15
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