Training of qualified personnel is the requirement of period

Training of qualified personnel is the requirement of period

In the modern conditions of the global and market economy, the training of highly qualified, educated, responsible and competitive personnel has become an urgent problem more than ever. Highly qualified personnel play an important role in the economic, political, socio-economic development of any state.


On March 30, 2022, under the leadership of Deputy General Director N.Mukhammadiev and the responsible staff of the insurance company visited the institute for a scientific seminar according to the Memorandum of Cooperation signed between the Tashkent Institute of Finance and the joint insurance company “SEMURG INSURANCE” in order to ensure the employment of 4th-year students and attract them to the company's activities.



During the meeting, the representatives of the company informed the students about the requirements for employment in the insurance company “SEMURG INSURANCE”, the HR management system in the company and the activities of the insurance organization in the insurance market. During the scientific seminar, the representatives of the company were asked questions by students wishing to work in this insurance company, and along with receiving qualified answers, students also filled out application form for employment.

Professors and teachers of "Insurance and pension business" department,  4th year students studying in the  educational direction "Insurance business" participated at the event.

17:35 / 2022-03-31
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