Professors of institute arrived at the Polotsk State University of the Republic of Belarus based on the current curriculum

Professors of institute arrived at the Polotsk State University of the Republic of Belarus based on the current curriculum

On December 7, 2023, Zaripov Husan Bakhodirovich, the head of the Department of "General Economic Sciences" of the Joint Faculty of Tashkent Institute of Finance and Akhmedova Gulmira Turabbayevna, the senior teacher of the department, arrived at the Polotsk State University of the Republic of Belarus based on the current curriculum. On the first day of the tour, Pozdnyakova Irina Aleksandrovna, dean of the "Finance and Economics" faculty of Polotsk State University, and Maley Elena Borisovna, the head of the "Accounting, financial logistics and management" department, once again reviewed the educational and methodological documents to be implemented on the basis of the joint program, agreed on the relevant directions. Then, in keeping with the national traditions, they distributed souvenirs. The business trip of professors and teachers of the Department of "General Economic Sciences" continues.





Xizmat safarining dastlabki kunida Polotsk davlat universitetining “Moliya-iqtisod” fakulteti dekani Pozdnyakova Irina Aleksandrovna hamda “Buxgalteriya hisobi, moliyaviy logistika va menejment” kafedrasi mudiri Maley Yelena Borisovna bilan hamkorlikda qo‘shma dastur asosida amalga oshirilishi lozim bo‘lgan o‘quv-uslubiy hujjatlarni yana bir bor ko‘rib chiqishdi, tegishli yo‘nalishlar bo‘yicha kelishib olishdi.


So‘ngra milliy an’analariga sodiq bo‘lgan holda esdalik sovg‘alarni ulashishdi.


“Umumiqtisodiy fanlar” kafedrasi professor-o‘qituvchilarining xizmat safari davom etmoqda.

13:59 / 2023-12-09
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