A scientific-practical conference was held on the topic "The role of scholars and intelligent women in the development of new Uzbekistan"

A scientific-practical conference was held on the topic "The role of scholars and intelligent women in the development of new Uzbekistan"

On March 16  this year, a scientific-practical conference was held at the Tashkent Institute of Finance on the topic "The role of scientists and intelligent women in the development of new Uzbekistan."






Deputies of  Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, women scientists working in higher education organizations and research institutes, heads of women's public organizations, representatives of the State Committee for Family and Women, female scientists and professors of the institute took part in the event.








The purpose of the conference is to ensure the implementation of the National Program on increasing the activity of women in all aspects of the country's economic, political and social life in 2022-2026 and the comprehensive plan of measures aimed at its implementation in 2022-2023.






Issues like  "The role of smart and female scientists in increasing the socio-political activity of women", "The contribution of young scientists of Uzbekistan to science", Ensuring gender equality in science", "The science of women and girls living in remote areas" "Increasing activity in science", "Increasing social and political activity of women in the higher education system", "Using the scientific potential of women scientists in the development of science and innovations" were discussed at the event.















Based on the topics raised and the results of the topics discussed at the scientific-practical conference, recommendations aimed at strengthening the position of intelligent and scholarly women in increasing the socio-political activity of women were developed and tasks for their implementation were determined.

16:14 / 2023-03-16
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