Yangi Uzbekistonda el aziz, inson aziz

Yangi Uzbekistonda el aziz, inson aziz

On October 4, 2022, the Department of Management and Marketing, as part of the week of the department, held an event on the topic "Yangi Uzbekistonda el aziz, inson aziz".


As part of the event, Associate Professor of the Department, PhD. Sobirjonov Sanjar Sobirjonovich delivered a speech: “Our main task is to implement the development strategy of New Uzbekistan, consolidate the achievements achieved, raise the fundamental reform processes to a new level, bring human rights and interests, their value, honor and pride to a leading position, in view of the fact that at present, maintaining peace and stability in our country, ensuring the territorial integrity and indivisibility of our state, ensuring the inviolability of our borders, striving to strengthen interethnic harmony, religious tolerance and solidarity is becoming an unsurpassed force that unites our multinational nation even more and mobilizes it for achieving higher goals”.


He also urged students to live with a sense of gratitude, appreciating the peaceful and free life of today and the need to glorify human dignity.

17:55 / 2022-10-05
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