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Head of “Accounting” division: Zokirov Shavkat Amanboyevich
Reception days: Daily 1400-1700
Tel: (99871) 234-11-48
E-mail: buxgalteriya@tfi.uz |
He was born in 1977, in Payarik district, Samarkand region. In 1999 he graduated from Tashkent Financial Institute. |
Information about division and its activities |
“Accounting” division of Tashkent Financial Institute conducts its activities on the basis of the legislation the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, decrees of the Ministry of Higher and secondary special institutions, regulations of the Institute’s council and rector's orders, of the Charter of the Institute’s charter and “Accounting” division.
“Accounting” division’s staff |
Staff unit in the “Accounting” division, distributed as follows: 5. Department scholarships on the basis of the order organizes the accrual and payment of scholarships to students. |
The tasks of “Accounting” division |
The main tasks of the chief accountant: - participates in the inventory of money resources, material assets and other assets inventory results in a timely manner make and has now in the accounting report;
Main responsibilities of Deputy chief accountant auditor SH. Fayziev: - subordinate to the chief accountant on the basis of staff schedule; - oversee the timely calculation and payment of staff salaries and student scholarships; - check the order of service and monthly report of the cash register; - on the basis of the table to clarify without departing employees and provide management with written notice; - create monthly quarterly tax and statistical reports; - control the timing of receivables and payables, and makes suggestions for their prevention - prepares payroll data and the payment of scholarships, management of funds and the application process. - execute the orders and data of chief accountant.
The main responsibility of the accountant 2nd - category B.Madaminova - contribute to the program orders issued on the composition of teaching staff. - provide staff payroll based on the timesheets. - taking applications for plastic cards and deliver them to the Bank. - at the end of the year to provide information about salary to the tax office about employees who work part-time. - to make the case and provide the Bank with information about the monthly salary of employees and the transfer of the required amount on the cards. - is the registry on accumulated pension contributions and passes them to the national Bank. - on the basis of pension orders on a monthly basis create profiles for working pensioners and provides them in a branch of the extra-budgetary pension Fund of the Ministry of Finance. - execute the orders of the chief accountant and Deputy chief accountant.
The main responsibilities of the accountant 1st - category A. Saidov - contribute to the program orders issued on the composition of teaching staff. - provide staff payroll based on the timesheets. - taking applications for plastic cards and deliver them to the Bank. - at the end of the year to provide with the information about salary to the tax office about employees who work part-time. - on the basis of statements of employees carry out deduction from the salary.
The main responsibilities of the accountant 1st – category Z.Djumaeva: - contribute to the program orders on the part of students; - provide for the accrual of scholarships to students on the basis of the order and amounts of the questionnaire; - is the registry for the amount of the scholarships listed on plastics, provide them to the Bank; - determine the size of the depositor unpaid monthly stipends and keeps records; - maintain records of monthly demand payment of scholarships; - execute the orders of the chief accountant and Deputy chief accountant;
The main responsibilities of the accountant 1st – category A.Mamatmurodova. - contribute to the program orders on the part of students; - provide for the accrual of scholarships to students on the basis of the order and amounts of the questionnaire; - prepare the register for the amount transferred from scholarships to plastic; - calculation of monthly payments and requirements of the scholarship; - provide the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance schedules of payments on the contract between the Institute and providers of goods underlings; - prepare payment orders on registered Treasury instruments; - maintain a log of executed contracts; - prepare payment orders for cash withdrawal and scholarships on the basis of questionnaires; - execute the orders of the chief accountant and Deputy chief accountant;
The main responsibilities of the accountant 1st - category A. Norqochqorova - maintain records of receipt and issue of goods – material values; - maintain records of material assets and vested financially responsible persons; - check written from the account of material assets and is about the act; - receive monthly reports responsible persons of checks and balances; - systematically maintain control over the safety of property entrusted to materially responsible persons; - keeps records of fixed assets of the Institute; - carry out the re-quotation of the fixed assets and examines their contribution; - participate in inventory and maintains inventory record; - execute of orders of the chief accountant and his Deputy;
The main responsibilities of the accountant 1st –category Z. Ibragimova - maintain records of receipt and issue of goods – material values; |
Division responsibilities |
- based on legal laws make expenditures and incomes of non budget means for a calendar year; - control spent means according to the institute expenditures; - provide the Ministry of Secondary and Higher education, the tax and statistic institutions with the statement in time; - the department is also responsible for other activities; |
№ | Activity | Date of execution | Responsibility |
1 | To provide the Ministry of Higher and Specialized Secondary education of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the quarterly statement | Each quarter | Accounting department |
2 | To provide Tashkent branch of the State Statistics Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the monthly statement | Every second date of the statement period | Accounting department |
3 | To provide the Yunusabad branch of the Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan with the quarterly statement | Due to 25th date of the statement period | Accounting department |
4 | To draw the payment payroll for the teaching and working staff and deliver it to the Board of Treasury every month | Due to 5th date of the statement period | Accounting department |
5 | To draw the scholarship payroll for the students and deliver it to the Board of Treasury every month | Due to 10th date of the statement period | Accounting department |
6 | To draw the prepayment payroll for the teaching and working staff and deliver it to the Board of Treasury every month | Due to 20th date of the statement period | Accounting department |
7 | To keep recording and analyzing funds coming from non budget funds of the institute | Every month | Accounting department |
8 | To keep annual, monthly and quarterly report of the department | Every month | Accounting department |
9 | To register agreements of companies and agreements for delivered goods in the list of the Board of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance | Every month | Accounting department |
10 | To prepare money orders on all transfers and transfer them from Treasury the Ministry of Finance | Every month | Accounting department |
11 | To keep monthly report and make comparative report with the credit and debit institutions | Every month | Accounting department |
12 | Transferring teachers , workers and students expenses to their plastic cards and provide them with the cash in time every month | Every month | Accounting department |