Spiritual and educational works of the department
Spiritual and educational works of the department

The professors and teachers of the department aimed at forming high spiritual and moral qualities of young students, loyalty to the motherland, and love for national and universal values. Based on 5 important initiatives for meaningful organization of time, comprehensive spiritual and educational events, roundtable discussions are regularly organized.
    In addition, various spiritual and educational events and meetings are held in student residences within the framework of "Department Weeks" aimed at meaningfully spending free time of students from classes. Among the spiritual-educational activities of the department, organized "Modern woman - in my eyes", "Literature - the mirror of the nation", "Young people support a healthy life", "Corruption development club", "Patriotism as a true belief" Let's turn it" and events organized on a number of other topics were among the notable events of the department. Along with this, regular visits are organized together with students to the city of Tashkent and the interesting places of our Republic.



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