Division of citizens and labour protection
Head of department: Yuldasheva Miyassar Xamdamovna
Contact information:
Reception days: Everyday 1400-1800
Теl: (998 71) 235-62-90
E-mail: fmmmb@tfi.uz
Was born in 1957, Tashkent.
She entered Tashkent institute of National economy, “Finance and credit” faculty, credit specialty in 1974.
She started her work at National bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 1978.
Since 2003 she has been working as the chief of “Division of citizens and labour protection” department in Tashkent Finance Institute.
Main functions of “Division of citizens and labour protection” department:
- -organization and improvement of conditions on providing safe and healthy conditions for work;
- - providing and realization of compliance the requirements of legal and technical documents in the education process;
- - control on compliance the rules on labor protection, fire prevention and radiation;
- - organizing and conducting professional inspection the conditions for students and employees labor;
- -organizing and conducting measures on elimination possible injuries connected with professional and practical activity in the process of education and work;
- -assisting in organization the work for students and employees;
- -accomplishing the tasks on labor protection in accordance with legislative documents.