The object of research and interaction of the activity of the psychologist of institute is students, teachers, parents of institute. They can be searched individually or collectively.
Psychologist of the institute works with pro-rector on work with youth, faculties, medical workers, certain commissions, parents and institute staff.
The general director of the position of the psychologist of the institute is the vice-rector on youth affairs of the institute.
Areas of activity of the psychologist of institute:
- Psychoprophylactic works;
- psychological education and enlightenment;
- psychodiagnostics;
- psychic development and psycho-correction;
- psychological counseling;
Psychoprophylaxis is a special type of psychological work of the institute, creating a healthy psychological environment for students and professors and providing optimal conditions for their personal development.
The main objectives of the psychological prophylaxis are:
- Creation of favorable conditions for the formation of personality, ensuring the perfection of mind;
- timely prevention of psychological defects and violations that may arise at the face of personality development and intellectual development;
- student adaptation to specific situations, including the creation of special groups associated with social adaptation, neurotic disorders, working with hard-working students, and working with their parents, team leader, etc.);
- Participation in the process of admission of students to the first stage, the level of psychological preparation of their higher education system, development of individual work program with students in collaboration with professors and teachers; - direct participation in the psychological and pedagogical comprehensive study of students from one stage of the higher education, the psychological study of one stage to the second stage, the development of a program of individual work with the parents, taking into account the preparation of higher education for the new level, giving mothers specific methodological skills to reduce the disruption to their children's knowledge;
- Psychological and pedagogical impacts of students in social housing and learner-centered student accommodation and leasehold housing;
- Identifying trained students who have a tendency to commit crime and crime, and directing them to socially active activities by stabilizing their mental state;
Psychological development and psychocorrection issues require a psychologist to actively engage in the process of integrating the personality of a student, professor and teacher. In this direction the psychologist performs the following specific tasks: - Developing and psychocorrection studies are organized by a psychologist in various forms, situations and situations:
a) Practical psychologist's work is scheduled for separate sessions with some students.
b) Each activity of the students is carried out in a special manner and is aimed at the educational impact of student groups;
c) Parents should be trained as pedagogical teams with educational activities with the participation of institute staff.
The methods of psychologist's activity can be as follows:
- Conducting and distributing lectures and training sessions with university professors and students for the purpose of promoting and promoting psychological culture;
- Psychological counseling;
- Early identification and prevention of behavioral disorders in students;
- Psychoprophylactic and correctional work with students taking into account different circumstances;
Objectives of the psychologist of institute:
to study the ethical and psychological climate of the institute, its influence on student personality;
social and psychological diagnostics to identify student problems;
identifying students who need social protection (all students);
protection of students held by adults and individual work with them (individual interviews with students);
early detection of problematic families’ children;
Implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, National Program of Personnel Training, decrees of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, education and training of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Psychological activities:
annual work plan approved by the rector;
Journal of counseling psychologist registration;
Journal of registration of individual works with students;
socio-psychological passports of student groups of the institute;
Map of students' individual-psychological development;
creating a databank of students with poor families, high risk;
Working with parents and pedagogical staff.
Responsibilities of the psychologist of institute:
Work according to the Regulations of the Institute and the psychologist's code;
Participation in methodological seminars for psychologists of higher education institutions;
convey the issues related to the improvement of the teaching and learning process to the leadership of the higher education institution;
participation in scientific research;
upgrading their professional skills based on their professional needs;
to have favorable working conditions;
The rights of a psychologist of a higher education institution:
to attend meetings of the Council of Higher Education Institutions;
Attend classes and extracurricular activities to track students' activities;
require the higher institutions to create the necessary conditions for the successful fulfillment of their professional duties;
recommends consultation services for family life psychology when needed;
The duration of the working day of the practitioner psychologist is similar to that of the entire professor-teacher;
Qualification requirements to the psychologist of the institute:
Senior Psychologist: Master's degree in specialty, Psychologist must be at least 1 year of work experience as a psychologist;
1st category psychologist: having a master's degree in specialty, 2 years of psychologist must have at least 1 year work experience as a psychologist (without specialization in master's specialization);
2nd category psychologist: Bachelor's or psychologist in psychology must have at least 2 years of work experience as a psychologist.