Сongratulations on being students, dear girls!

Сongratulations on being students, dear girls!

     In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PF-5953 of March 2, 2020, in order to create additional opportunities for women to study in higher educational institutions, Akhmedova Shohistakhon Asliddin kizi was admitted to the Tashkent Financial Institute, the Faculty of Finance and Financial Technologies on the basis of a state grant within the 4% additional admission.

     And acting Rector of the Tashkent Financial Institute Mehmonov Sultanali Umaralievich congratulated the student on her admission to the institute and presented gifts.

    On the basis of the same benefits, Abdukhalimova Zebiniso Shukurullo kizi from Bukhara region, Bakhieva Aisulu Davletiarovna and Alieva Perizat Tazabay kizi from the Karakalpak Republic, Rakhimboeva Sugdiyona Rakhimbaevna from the Khorezm region entered the institute.

     On behalf of the staff of the Tashkent Financial Institute, we congratulate the female students and wish them success in their studies!

15:51 / 2020-10-14
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