Usman Rakhimzhanov, the coordinator of the “Startup Initiatives” Program, which supports innovative ideas and startup projects for gifted students and undergraduates

Usman Rakhimzhanov, the coordinator of the “Startup Initiatives” Program, which supports innovative ideas and startup projects for gifted students and undergraduates

   On September 14, 2019 a meeting  was organized with the initiative of Commercialization of scientific innovative developments  department of Tashkent institute of finance with Usman Rakhimzhanov, the coordinator of the “Startup Initiatives” Program, which supports innovative ideas and startup projects for gifted students and undergraduates. This program gives young people the opportunity to experiment with innovative ideas and projects in partnership with partner organizations, create their own startups, and develop entrepreneurial skills and knowledge.


12:21 / 2019-09-17
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