International Scientific and Practical Conference on the Strategic Directions of Development of International Financial Relations in Uzbekistan

International Scientific and Practical Conference on the Strategic Directions of Development of International Financial Relations in Uzbekistan


The purpose of the conference was to determine the directions of the PF-158 of September 11, 2023 "On the Strategy of Uzbekistan-2030" and PF-60 of January 28, 2022 "2022-2026" of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as to increase the priority of increasing exports and investment potential of the national economy by further developing mutually beneficial cooperation with foreign countries and international financial institutions. The international scientific and practical conference on "Strategic Directions of Development of International Financial Relations in Uzbekistan" was held at the Tashkent Financial Institute. The conference was attended by representatives of government agencies, academic institutions, and businesses from Uzbekistan and abroad.




The conference discussed a wide range of topics related to the development of international financial relations in Uzbekistan, including further activation of foreign trade ties, liberalization of foreign trade regulation processes with customs duties, expansion of ties with international financial institutions, development of Islamic finance and financing of "green" economy.

The conference also served to develop evidence-based proposals with practical significance, based on the exchange of views on topical issues related to the efficient use of foreign investment and loans.

14:34 / 2023-11-10
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