In the tradition of expanding students’ experience and knowledge within the scope of higher education, Tashkent Institute of Finance (TIF) actively engages in student exchange with its many partner universities. Please visit our program pages to understand definitions, requirements, and obligations of TIF Outbound Programs.
TIF has partnerships with more universities from all over the world. Below you will find a list of our partner universities, Institutes and business schools with whom we have outbound exchange, 1+1 or 2+2 agreements. |
AZERBAIJAN Sumgait State University |
BELORUS Polotsk State University |
CHINA Shanghai University of Finance and Economics |
CROATIA Dubrovnik University |
CZECH REPUBLIC European Institute of Applied Science and Management |
GERMANY Pforzheim University |
ITALY Sapienza University of Rome |
JAPAN Hosei University Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University |
KAZAKHSTAN Almaty Management University Kazakhstan Engineering and Pedagogical of People’s Friendship University |
LATVIA University of Latvia Higher school of Business and Finance |
LITHUANIA MykolasRomeris University |
MALAYSIA Binary University The National Energy University Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation |
POLAND Cracow University of Economics |
ROMANIA Bucharest University of Economic studies
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași |
RUSSIA University of Economics, Politics and Law in Moscow National University of Economics in Ural National University of Economics in Saint-Petersburg Institute of Economics and Finance of Kazan MEPhi National Research Nuclear University Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation |
SOUTH KOREA Woosong University (SolBridge International school of Business) Hankuk University of Foreign Studies YEOJU Institute of Technology Namseoul University |
TAJIKISTAN National University of Law, Business and Politics National University of Finance and Economics |
TURKEY Kastamonu University |
TURKMENISTAN Turkmen State Institute of Finance |