Scientific research activity of the department
Scientific research activity of the department

The results of scientific works of the department are published in the form of patents, monographs, scientific articles and lecture abstracts. In particular, in the last 3 years, more than 15 author's certificates, 6 monographs, 2 brochures, 4 training manuals and 6 textbooks, more than 12 teaching-methodical manuals, republican scientific journal and 60 articles in collections, more than 30 articles in foreign impact factor magazines were published by professors and teachers of the department. In 2020-2022, professors-teachers of the department N.Mavlonov and U.Nurmanov received the Doctor of Philosophy (Ds) degree in economics, and senior teachers of the department I.Choriev, M.Abdujaborova, M.Ismoilova, A. Abdullayev, O.Ochilovs successfully defended their dissertations prepared for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in economic sciences.
    In the current academic year, professors-teachers of the research department Z. Sagdillayeva, U. Yakubov are preparing a doctoral dissertation. N. Mavlonov and others are actively researching the fundamental project AM-13-2019062030 "Create a scoring model for assessing the creditworthiness of economic entities" at the department within the framework of state programs related to scientific activity.
    Scientific research on current topics, educational and methodological manuals, lecture texts, monographs and pamphlets on the subject, carried out by professors and teachers of the "Economic Analysis" department, are regularly discussed at the department's meetings, as well as the department's It is effectively used by senior researchers and independent researchers in conducting scientific research and creating new modern educational literature.

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