Academic activity
Academic activity


  During the years of independence, the work carried out in our country has been in the centuries and completely changed the appearance of our country and our country. The reforms in the political, economic and spiritual life and renewal, and prosperity of the cities and villages, new modern enterprises, educational institutions, cultural and public service buildings, bridges and roads, in other words, the economy is growing, witnessed a strong bo'layotganligining .

  The contribution of the young people to the development of the economy, as well as the leading specialists of the Tashkent Financial Institute, as well as the leading specialists, is invaluable. They mobilize their knowledge at the institute for the sake of prosperity of our Motherland.

  The actual creator of a great future for young, educated, modern technology and the perfect place, at the same time, the relatively large number of masterpieces of the national patrimony, consisting of the original perfect person to bring up a young generation as an institute within the academic core of the work carried out during the years of spiritual enlightenment did

  The institute students in the process of strengthening the independence of the country's social, economic, political, spiritual and cultural potential comprehend the essence of competitive, humane and mature, to meet the requirements of spiritual, cultural, moral, mental and physical, loyal to the motherland, native land as well as educating people as well as strengthening their immunity against the effects of various extremist and destructive ideas and the effects of "mass culture" as their priorities.

  The institute cultural and educational activities of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and resolutions, orders and resolutions of the Board of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, based on the nature of the content on the implementation of the goals and objectives as well as spiritual and organizational issues related to the educational system to coordinate the work of students, political and legal increasing consciousness and culture, promoting ideological-immune immunity and religious extremism, combating terrorism and ensuring security Historical dates, national holidays and celebrate the birth of our students' artistic and aesthetic consciousness of the masterpieces of classical and contemporary art and love, to familiarize students with the professional formation, the formation of the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle, health and fitness of the students involved and students - Conducts action plans covering extensive measures to prevent abuse among adults.

  Innovation-development in spiritual-educational activity at institute:

  Improvement of the teacher and mentor's activity, the provision of prompt information to the institute's staff, the leisure of the students and the further improvement of the conditions in the dormitories.

  At the institute has been fully submitted to the "Murabbiylik" system. In the future, purposeful work is being carried out to formulate a functional integral mechanism that provides the continuity and continuity of the educational process. In addition, the training of "Teacher Ethics" courses aimed at improving professional skills for the teachers of the institute has begun.

  In order to provide the staff, students and staff of the Institute with information and news and to protect them from infringing information attacks, the "Information Group" and "Moliyachi" Radio Activity have been further improved. The "Moliyachi" newspaper was updated in a new way and content. Also, the "Information Resource Centers" have been launched in the main building of the institute and in the educational institutions of the faculties with all opportunities and facilities. In the future, the Institute carries out practical work on establishment of the "Information Center", "Moliyachi TRT" TV and Radio Broadcasting Company.

  A number of practical work has been done at the Institute to help students leisurely and efficiently. In particular, the events of "Spirituality Day", "Week of the department" were organized in harmony with education. The institute was founded Young guards' social structure 'Moliyachi Youth Theater,' 'artistic communities,' Speaker ',' Talk ',' Patriot ',' Camp ',' Young girls Literary clubs and 27 clubs, sports science Increasing the efficiency of sports sections, including 8 types, is also helping students to keep their leisure time more productive. It is also worth noting that the experience of the institute in the organization of celebrations of the Republic in the highest level, at the highest level, in organizational and festive spirit, is recognized by a number of higher educational institutions and relevant organizations. In order to develop sports in the institute, the construction and commissioning of the sports complex "Moliyachi" at the level of modern requirements is the basis for the students of the institute to take honorable places in the national competitions.

  In the future, it is planned to build a Palace of Culture "Moliyachi" in order to increase the level and effectiveness of spiritual-enlightenment work in the institute, and to expand the scope of its activities within the institute.

  There are three student dormitories in the University. Student dormitories are fully equipped with modern computers, radio, television and mass media (newspapers, magazines) connected to the Internet.

  In order to maintain students 'dormitories and increase students' social activity, a self-governing system has been introduced in the hostels. The Student Council + The Navigational Group + "Young Guardians" has formed an "Internal Management System" in the Official and Unofficial Leadership Unit.

  Establishment of the "Initiative Student Movement", which guarantees the full implementation of the system of self-governance in the future, asserting itself, creating the generation of creativity, not only the place of residence of the students, but also the place of spirituality and enlightenment, rotation is selected.

  Based on actual tasks and directions aimed at raising the effectiveness of spiritual-enlightenment work in the institute, it is important to raise the young generation capable of decisive force, support and support for achieving the goals set out in the reform and renewal of our country, solving the fate of democratic and economic development. comprehensive measures aimed at further improving the effectiveness of educational and spiritual-enlightenment work are continuing.

  Over the last 25 years, the spiritual-enlightenment activities at the institute have been organized gradually, and during the 1991-2001 academic year, the teaching staff of the Institute has been able to improve the spiritual and educational activities of students in their leisure, students living in the campus;

  In 2002-2012, a systematic mechanism was developed to determine the purpose and essence of the comprehensively advanced generation, methods and means, forms, and outcomes;

  In 2013-2017, the goal is to formulate a mechanism for determining the purpose, essence, method, means, form, and outcome of the preparation of perfect human and competent personnel, derived from the essence of the national model of personnel training.

  Today we are entering into a democratic civil society, a deeply integrated economic space, unique communication and information system. In order to be consistent and dependable, we need modern and competitive staff who love their country, work in the market economy. "In order to prepare specialists who are in demand at the time," said the President, "the shape, appearance and material base of our educational institutions, first of all, must be modern."

  Based on this requirement, the development strategy of the institute has been defined. To them:

- to give all sorts of opportunities to work with talented, talented youth and to have enough information. Providing students with free choice of teaching staff;

- Creating all conditions for improving the level and pedagogical staff. Unless they work on themselves, if they do not share their experiences with professors from the universities in the developed countries, this would have a negative effect on the learning process;

- Involvement of every sector in its creation, taking into account the beginning of education, first of all, and achievement of modern literature;

- further strengthening of the institute's relations with higher educational institutions of the developed countries. To equate the status of institute with the status of foreign higher educational institutions to achieve mutual equality of relationships - to achieve the status of "academy" or "university";

- Increasing the use of non-budgetary resources to attract modern training complexes to the institute, the involvement of foreign capitals, international donor organizations and funds, and further expansion of sponsorship and sponsorship;

- further deepening of integration of science and production. The Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and its local offices, Central and commercial banks, tax and insurance organizations, as well as other associations, corporations, companies and large enterprises, use scientific potential of scientific research institutes, further strengthening of the focus on development.

  Implementation of the National Plan of Personnel Training, implementation of set plans will help to increase the authority and position of the institute and its further consolidation towards the international arena.

  As President Islam Karimov put it, the further development of the country can not be achieved without the renewal of the education system, without developing it, creating a new citizen, who fully meets the new requirements and new dimensions of the independent society. For this purpose, all managers, pedagogical staff  and students working in the Institute must live in an emotionally and purposefully about each person's active participation and personal contribution to this sphere. Independence has created enormous opportunities for the true integration of the interests of our personal and society. Every employee of the education system should not be saying "What the Father has given to me", but with the good idea of ​​"What did I give to my country?"

  Every family that lives in this land is our youngest generation, our beloved children, our greatest support for our parents, our society and our state.

  Our greatest task and sacred duty today is to create a worthy page in history and to foster it with noble and good deeds for our future, to educate our dear children with the requirements of time, to bring them up as a true patriotic and patriot. To make a worthy contribution to our noble work for the glorious future of our Homeland, the power and abundance of our abilities!




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