Professors-teachers of the Department of Finance, Professor Zhiyanova Nargiza Esanboevna and acting. Associate Professor Isaev Khusan Mansurovich has developed an innovative web-textbook “Public Finance Management”, which is a new modernized format of an electronic textbook.
The innovative web textbook is intended for master's students in the specialty 70410401 - “Public Finance and International Finance” and is prepared in accordance with the subject curriculum, curriculum and discipline syllabus. The advantages of the innovative web textbook “Public Financial Management” over other electronic textbooks are flexibility, inability to choose, i.e. it can run on Android, IOS, Windows, MacOS, Linux operating systems, mobile communication devices, tablet, laptop, smart TV, car monitor and any other device on any device that can connect to the internet and fits its screen.
The innovative web textbook “Public Finance Management” includes the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of the scientific and legal foundations of public financial management: functions and features of the organization”, issues of financial regulation of the economy by the state, the foundations of public-private partnerships, management of financial resources of enterprises . with the state share: formation and use, the budget structure of Uzbekistan and the organization of the budget process, issues of ensuring the stability of income of the republican and local budgets and other topics.
The innovative web-based textbook includes lectures, presentations, practice assignments, quizzes, cases, tests and video lectures that will help the student obtain discipline-related information and knowledge, where and when he wants.
The innovative web-based textbook “Public Financial Management” plays an important role in training highly qualified specialists who meet modern requirements and have the necessary knowledge and skills in the field of public financial management.