Uzbekistan in the world community

Uzbekistan in the world community

The Department of "Accounting, Economic Analysis and Auditing" of the External Faculty of the Tashkent Financial Institute held a roundtable discussion on "Uzbekistan in the world community" on March 10, 2022 at 8:30.

The meeting was attended by TMI, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Ph.D., A. Islamkulov, Dean of the Correspondence Faculty N. Kuziyeva, Head of the Department Prof. Sh. Ganiev and professors of the department,
The department of natural – scientitic and humanitavian disciplines  and students of groups SBXA-50,51, SBI 51.

The main speaker and guest of the roundtable is a political commentator of the National Television and Radio Company of Uzbekistan   Honorary title of Honored Journalist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Medal of Fame and Medal for services to the Veteran Association, and the badge of "Excellence in Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan"   Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of the Ancient World–Kobilbek Tukhtabekovich Karimbekov.

In his speech, Kobilbek Tokhtabekovich Karimbekov spoke about the peace-loving independent foreign policy of Uzbekistan and its recognition by the world community, as well as political and economic changes in the post-independence period. He also spoke about the political changes in neighboring countries today.  

The roundtable was very interesting and controversial, full of questions and answers.

18:11 / 2022-03-10
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