Registration of applicants for the 2023-2024 academic year has begun

Registration of applicants for the 2023-2024 academic year has begun

The target admission parameters for the 2023-2024 academic year and the distribution of admission parameters in the language segment were posted on the website of the Knowledge Evaluation Agency


Applicants can register online through the section "Admission to bachelor's degrees of higher educational institutions" on the website.


Here, applicants have the opportunity to choose up to five undergraduate courses with the same range of subjects and the same sequence.


Registration of applicants will continue until July 20 (also on July 20). The admission deadline will be stopped on July 10 for the educational courses where the creative exam in a foreign language will be held.


Applicants can change their information and, if they have a certificate from a foreign language, they can add their certificate information into the system During this period.

13:58 / 2023-06-21
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