"We are against violence!" the winners of the video contest were determined

"We are against violence!" the winners of the video contest were determined

The Women's Council of the Institute and the Department of Work with Youth, Spirituality and Enlightenment conducted competition of videos among students under the slogan "We are against violence" within the framework of "November 25 - International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women" and "16 days against violence". Winners of the competition were determined.

According to the results of the competition:

1st place - the team of the "Banking" faculty (J.Murodov, M.Abdusattorova, M.Raimjonova, Y.Nasimova, L.Mirpol'latova, B.Yuldashev);

2nd place - the team of the "Accounting and Auditing" faculty (N. Shodmonov, G. Mamasharifova);

3rd place - the team of the "Finance" faculty (S. Karimova, Y. Amanullaeva, D. Abdurashidova);

The winners were awarded with special diplomas and a one-time monetary award in the amount of 2 times, 1.5 times and 1 times the basic scholarship, respectively.

20:37 / 2022-12-06
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