Rector's Scholarship
Rector's Scholarship





      Amanullaeva Yulduz was born on May 5, 2001 in Gallaaral district of Jizzakh region. Since 2019, he has been studying on a fee-for-service basis in the MM-03 group of the Finance Faculty of the Tashkent Financial Institute.

      To date, 7 scientific articles have been published in 5 foreign scientific journals (1 SCOPUS Indexed Journal), 50 theses and 1 monograph at international and national scientific conferences and journals. The student is an active member of the scientific circle "Young Financier" of the Department of Finance and a participant in organizational work. He is currently conducting research on financial issues of socio-economic stability in Uzbekistan. Amanullaeva Yulduz has an international IELTS certificate. She is also a member of the Republican Fundamental Project of Women Scientists 03-2020041539 - "Development of the insurance market and the creation of smart insurance technologies in Uzbekistan." In addition, he took an active part in the Science Olympiads organized at the institute, in particular, in the Olympiads in the field of money and banking.




       Abdukakhorov Bekzod was born on November 28, 2001 in the Qibray district of the Tashkent region. Since 2019, he has been studying on a fee-for-service basis in the BBI-50 group of the Faculty of Budget Accounting and Treasury of the Tashkent Financial Institute.

     To date, 3 scientific articles, 7 theses and 1 monograph have been published in international and national scientific conferences and journals. The student is an active member and participant in the organizational work of the scientific circles "Young Appraiser" and "Young Investor" of the Department of Appraisal and Investment. Today, Uzbekistan is conducting research on the development of special economic zones in the digital economy. Abdukakhorov Bekzod has a national CEFR certificate in language proficiency. In addition, he took an active part in the Science Olympiads organized by the Institute, in particular, in the Olympiad in Econometrics "Best Econometric Model".




       Hamrohujaeva Sitorabonu Temur qizi was born on October 18, 2002 in Riga, Latvia in a diplomatic family.

     In 2020, he graduated from the Academic Lyceum of the Uzbek State University of World Languages ​​and entered the Tashkent Financial Institute. He is currently a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Banking.

     In addition to studying at the institute, he participates in various competitions, international and national scientific conferences, seminars and expands his knowledge on foreign platforms. In particular, he has completed courses organized by the Asian Development Bank Institute, the World Health Organization, the Open University in the United Kingdom and others. He spoke at the All-Russian Scientific-Practical Conference "Current Problems of International Relations and Regional Studies" as a young foreign researcher and received a certificate of participation. In addition, the winner of the Republican competition "EduOn educational grant" also took second place in the nomination "The most knowledgeable student" in the competition "Student of the Year 2021" held at the institute level.

    Hamrohujaeva Sitorabonu has published more than 10 scientific articles and theses in national and international journals, collections of materials of scientific conferences. In his works, he studies macroeconomic indicators and inflation mechanisms in Uzbekistan and compares them with other countries. Special attention is also paid to the development of alternative financing, including the introduction of elements of Islamic banking in our country.




      Shodiboyeva Dilzoda Farhodjon qizi was born on September 11, 1993 in the Fergana region. In 2014, he graduated from the Tashkent Financial Institute, Faculty of Accounting and Auditing.

       To date, 4 scientific articles, 10 theses and 1 monograph have been published in international and national scientific conferences and journals. Today, the project financing of investment projects is carried out research on foreign experience. Participant of the forum "International diplomats in Uzbekistan II session" organized in the official diplomatic corps of the Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, active member of the scientific circles "Young Appraiser" and "Young Investor" of the Department of Appraisal and Investment and participant of organizational work .




       Samandar Raimberdiyev was born on May 31, 2001 in the Syrdarya region. He was admitted to the Tashkent Financial Institute in 2019 on a contract basis and is currently studying in group IX-50 of the Faculty of Economics. To date, he has published 3 scientific articles in international journals, participated in international and national scientific conferences with 6 theses, and received 3 certificates of authorship for ehm programs.

       On June 3, 2021, S. Raimberdiyev won the 1st place in the Republican stage of the Olympiad in Statistics. He also has IELTS and Topic certificates in language proficiency.



      Qilichev Jonpo`lat Mo`min o`g`li 1999-yil 6-aprel kuni Samarqand viloyati Narpay tumani tavallud topgan.  U 2018-yildan hozirgi kungacha Toshkent moliya instituti Soliqlar va sug'urta fakulteti, ST-61 guruh talabasi. Institutga kirganidan boshlab fakultetning eng faol talabalaridan bo‘lib kelmoqda. Jumladan, 2019-2020 o‘quv yilidan to hozirgi kunga qadar Soliqlar va sug'urta fakulteti Talabalar kengashi prezidenti, Toshkent moliya institutiga qarashli 2-sonli talabalar turar joyida talabalar yetakchisi hamda boshlang'ich tashkilot yoshlar yetakchisi sifatida faoliyat yuritib kelmoqda. Bundan tashqari 2 ta ilmiy maqola va 10 dan ortiq tezislar muallifi hisoblabadi.  Institutdagi o‘z faoliyati davomida bir qancha tadbirlarda faol ishtirok etdim va ularni tashkillashtirishda ham tashabbus ko‘rsatib kelmoqda.

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