Division of commercialization of scientific-innovative works
Division of commercialization of scientific-innovative works

Head of the Department Commercialization of Scientific and innovative development: Mavlanov Normumin Normamatovich


Phone: (0371) 235-24-58


E-mail: mavlanovnormumin@mail.ru

 Activities of Department Commercialization of  Scientific and innovative development is carried out according to the current laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, normative and legal acts and orders of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education, other governmental bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan, internal regulations of the Institute on “Department Commercialization of  Scientific and innovative development” of Tashkent Institute of Finance and other normative-legal acts of the Institute.


 The main activities of Department Commercialization of Scientific and innovative development are:


- Systematic analysis of the market and demand for innovative products (works, services), assessment of the payback period associated with the commercialization of innovative products, the study of profitability and risks;


- Selection of promising projects with high commercial potential and ready for sale;


- attraction of investors, partners and other interested parties for implementation of innovative projects;


- cooperation with industrial enterprises to introduce new technologies and development of innovative products.


 The Tashkent Institute of Finance cooperates with the banking and financial system and the private sector to improve the mechanisms for introducing innovations in the sectors and branches of the economy. The Innovation Fund of the Institute received 157.0 million sums from the commercialization of the innovative development of the "Creditworthiness Scoring Model" through the implementation of commercial banks in the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the Ministry of Innovation Development and the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


 The Institute's Innovation Fund received 90.6 million sums from the commercialization of innovative development of the Accounting Policy of Budget Organizations through the introduction of the higher education institutions in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan. From the economic contracts on rendering innovative services to business entities in the Institute's Innovation Fund received 58,0 million sums.


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