The senior lecturer of the department “Insurance business” N. Mavrulova conducted an on-site lesson in the insurance company KAFOLAT

The senior lecturer of the department “Insurance business” N. Mavrulova conducted an on-site lesson in the insurance company KAFOLAT

   According to the curriculum of the 2018-2019 school year, it was planned to conduct an on-site lesson on the subject “Theory and Practice of Insurance”. To this end, a lecture was organized on the theme “The insurance system of developed countries” with second-year students of the faculty “Taxes and Insurance” of the SS-70.71 group in the insurance company “Kafolat”. At the beginning of the lecture, the company's insurance director Sharobiddinov Akramjon Goyibbaevich informed the students about the company's current activities and its role in the national insurance market. After the lecture, the company’s administration checked the knowledge and interests of the students ’insurance activities and offered them a career in this field.



17:44 / 2019-05-29
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